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Supplier Requirements


Suppliers need to conform to the following

New Horizon Machine Company. NHMC) Quality Requirements


  1. Record retention period as determined by contract -7 years minimum

  2. Right of Access by NHMC, our customers, or regulatory authorities to all applicable areas of all facilities and at any level of the supply chain to review all applicable records, and verify product conformity.

  3. Flow down of requirements to sub-tiers is required as applicable in the purchasing documents 

  4. Apply appropriate controls to your direct and sub tier suppliers to ensure ALL requirements are met.

  5. Certificate of compliance to the purchase order is required

  6. Chemical and physical analysis report of raw material is required ,  if noted  by the purchase order

  7. Notification of non-conformances to obtain approval-no repair or use as is decisions to be made on characteristics unless approved in writing by NHMC.

  8. 1st article Inspection requirements (not required unless otherwise noted.)

  9. Government Source inspection (not required unless otherwise noted.)

  10. Inspection of product at your facilities by NHMC prior to product release (if required, this will be noted on the PO)

  11. Inspection reports submittal (if required, this will be noted on the PO)

  12. Unless specified on the drawing or other issued specification-removal of all foreign objects, stains, chips, etc is required.

  13. Personnel Qualifications ( None unless required by specification(s), NHMC where noted, and Supplier requirements to ensure product conformance (e.g.: competency)

  14. Traceability to raw materials used, if supplier sources the material.

  15. Acceptance of product by NHMC does not absolve the supplier of responsibility for anomalies/defects later detected.

  16. Requirements for test specimen’s submittal if any will be noted on the PO.

  17. Quality Management System Requirements –maintain or improve from original Acceptance by NHMC.  Also, any additional requirements, if any, will be stated on the PO.

  18. Notification  is required to NHMC of any changes in suppliers, manufacturing facilities, and any  process changes  related to to the product/process required by NHMC.

  19. In the event the supplier outsources, the supplier must use NHMC’s customer approved special process source and provide certification from that source.  In addition, for other than special processes or customer designated sources, the supplier is required to have complete control. Essentially, the same is true for work temporarily or permanently transferred.

20. Counterfeit parts/raw materials:  The supplier’s certificate of conformance, although it may not be explicitly stated on the certificate, shall be a guarantee that the parts or raw materials supplied to NHMC are not counterfeit. Counterfeit parts are copied or altered parts/materials made without the legal right or authority to do so. Also, counterfeit parts shall mean a part, component, module, or assembly whose origin, material, source of manufacture, performance, or characteristics are misrepresented.

21. Use only statistically valid Zero Acceptance Number Sampling Plans when sampling is authorized.

22.  The supplier shall ensure that persons are aware of their contribution to product safety as applicable, their contribution to product or service conformity, and the importance of ethical behavior.



Change record


Reason for change

Issued by

Rev. Letter


For AS9100D



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